Webber's Meadow

This piece of land was purchased by the Parish Council, thus providing the area with a valuable new amenity in the countryside.  It is well-used by people from this parish and surrounding areas, attracting walkers, dog-walkers, birdwatchers, and those interested in our local flora and fauna.

The meadow is just that  -  a meadow  -  and not manicured parkland.  Pathways through the meadow are cut from time to time, but do watch out for nettles and brambles in some areas.  The Environment Agency and the Parish Council want to keep the meadow as a natural amenity, allowing wildflowers and wildlife to flourish.


We are fortunate to have a great variety of wildflowers in the meadow, and a leaflet of the Common Wildflowers of the Lower Otter Valley is available to help you identify these  -  download here

Bees are dwindling in numbers all over the counrty.  In this area we have many types of bee including honeybees and bumble bees.  Bees feed on the nector from flowers, and in the process pollinate not just wildflowers but also the crops that we use for our own diet.  A leaflet to help identify the types of bumble bee that you might see in Webber's Meadow or in your own garden can be downloaded here.