Parish Council

Parish and Town Councils are the first tier of local government and hence the level closest to residents of an area.  Elections are held every 4 years and any qualifying resident may stand for election.

The full parish council comprises 11 members: 6 for Newton Poppleford Ward, 4 for Harpford Ward, and 1 for Venn Ottery Ward.* Details of the councillors and their parish wards are shown in the 'Parish Council' Section.  If any vacancies occur before the next full election these will be advertised on the official Parish Council Notice Boards and on this website.
The Parish Council has a limited number of actual responsibilities but has potentially substantial powers which could be exercised if the need and funding is available.

For more detail on the powers and responsibilities please see the page 'Council Responsibilities'. 

The full Parish Council meets monthly on the last Monday of the month, in Newton Poppleford Village Hall or at the Pavilion centre. Meetings usually start at 7.15pm. ** Other meetings are arranged as needed to consider planning applications, financial issues etc.  Note that all Parish Council meetings and meetings of Parish Council Committees are open to the public.  Notices about meetings and the agendas are posted on the official Parish Council Notice Boards and on this website.

** See "Meetings, Agendas and Minutes" page.