Financial Information for the Parish Council

Financial Year 2024-25

At the Council meeting on 18th December 2023, Council voted to approve a budget forecast
of £100,452 for the forthcoming year and to increase the Council's precept demand to £74,571
to ensure that Council is able to publish a balanced budget for the financial year. 

The Council's budget and precept calculations can be downloaded here

This increase to the precept demand will result in higher costs for householders in the parish
when the Council Tax bills are received for the 2024-25 financial year.  A Band D property
will see a 14p per week increase to charges. 

If you have any questions regarding this budget or the issue of precepts or Council Tax 
billing, please contact your local Councillor or the Clerk using the Contact pages elsewhere
on this website.


 Financial Year 2024-25


Cashbook Summary to end June 2024

Cashbook Analysis to end June 2024

Budget Monitor - Q1 2024-25 

List to invoices for payment July 2024 

List of invoices for payment June 2024

Cashbook Analysis to end May 2024

Cashbook Summary to end May 2024 

List of invoices for payment in May 2024 

Cashbook Summary to the end of April 2024

Cashbook Analysis to the end of April 2024 

Invoices authorised for payment April 2024

Financial Year 2023-24

Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2023-24 as per Clause 78 legislation 

Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement 

Section 2 - Accounting Statements 2023-24 

Internal Auditor Report and Certificate 

Notice of the dates set for the period for the exercise of public rights

Local Authority Accounts - A Summary Of Your Rights

Bank Reconciliation to 31st March 2024 

Explanation of Variances between 2022/23 and 2023/24 accounts 

Cashbook Summary to end March 2024

Fixed Asset Register as at 31st March 2024 

ALL Payments over £100 during the financial year 2023-24 

Public Works Loan Board Annual Statement 


Cashbook Analysis to end March 2024

Budget Monitor to end March 2024 

Budget Monitor to end Feb 2024

Cashbook Summary to end Feb 2024

Cashbook Analysis to end Feb 2024 

Cashbook Summary to 14.02.2024

Cashbook Analysis to 14.02.2024 

Cashbook Summary to end December 2023 

Cashbook Analysis to end December 2023 

Invoices for authorisation and payment in January 2024 

Budget Monitor to end December 2023 

Invoices for authorisation and payment in December 2023 

Cashbook Analysis to end November 2023

Cashbook Summary to end November 2023

Invoices for authorisation and payment in November 2023

Cashbook Summary to 31st October 2023 

Cashbook Analysis to 31st October 2023

Cashbook Summary to 30th September 2023

Cashbook Analysis to 30th September 2023

Invoices for authorisation and payment in October 2023 

Cashbook Summary to 8th September 2023

Cashbook Analysis to 8th September 2023

Budget Monitor to 8th September 2023 

Cashbook Summary to end July 2023

Annual Income and Expenditure to end July 2023

Cashbook Summary to end June 2023

Annual Income and Expenditure to end June 2023

Payments authorised July 2023 

Cashbook Summary to End May 2023

Annual Income and Expenditure Summary to end May 2023

Payments authorised June 2023 

Cashbook Summary to End April 2023

Annual Income and Expenditure Summary to End April 2023

Payments authorised May 2023

Financial Year 2022-23

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022-2023 (as per Clause 78 legislation)

Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement 2022-23

Section 2 - Accounting Statement 2022-23

Section 3 - External Auditor Report and Certificate 2022-23 

Notice of Conclusion of Audit for the year ended 31 March 2023 

Internal Auditor Report 

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited AGAR for the year ended 31st March 2023

Public Works Loan Board Annual Statement

Bank Reconciliation as at 31st March 2023

Final Cashbook Summary as at 31st March 2023

All Payments over £100 for the accounting year 2023-23

Fixed Assets Register as at 31st March 2023 

Summary of Variances between 2021-22 and 2022-23 

V3 Variance Explanation

V6 Variance Explanation

V9 Variance Explanation 

Community Infrastructure Levy Annual Report 2022-23 

At the Council meeting on 29th November 2021, Council voted
to approve a budget
forecast of £96,515 for the forthcoming
year, but to maintain the Council's precept demand at
unchanged from 2021-22 to recognise the financial pressures
being experienced by residents in the parish as a result of
Covid-19 and other external factors.

This means that all households in Newton Poppleford and Harpford Parish
will see no change in their Council Tax demand from the Parish Council when
the next Council Tax Bill arrives (Band D equivalent property) in relation to the
finances of the Parish Council.

Council continues to spend taxpayers money responsibly and efficiently and seeks
in this financial year to deliver significant public amenities in the parish and improve
services for all. Road safety improvements are at the very top of Council's "to do" list.

If you have any questions regarding this budget or the issue of precepts or Council Tax 
billing, please contact your local Councillor or the Clerk using the Contact pages elsewhere
on this website.

Members of the public are always welcome to attend Council meetings where the financial
data is discussed and reviewed as per the Council's published Transparency Code policy.

Council's Budget and Precept Calculation for 2022/23 can be downloaded HERE

You can find here a copy of the EDDC "tax-base" table for 2022/23 showing all
and villages across the entire district.

Supplemental Financial Papers are published below each month.

Financial Year 2022-23

April 2022

May 2022 - Summary of Income and Expenditure

May 2022 - Cashbook Summary 

June 2022 - Cashbook Summary 

June 2022 - Summary of Income and Expenditure 

Budget Monitor - Q1 

July 2022 - Cashbook Summary 

August 2022 - Cashbook Summary

August 2022 - Summary of Income and Expenditure 

September 2022 - Cashbook Summary

September 2022 - Summary of Income and Expenditure 

October 2022 - Cashbook Summary 

November 2022 - Cashbook Summary

November 2022 - Summary of Income and Expenditure 

January 16th 2023 Cashbook Summary

Cashbook Summary to end February 2023

Cashbook Analysis to 15th March 2023

Budget Monitor - Q4 (to 15th March 2023) 

Cashbook Summary to 31st March 2023 

Annual Income and Expenditure Summary 2023 

Financial Year 2021-22 

April 2021
May 2021
June 2021
July 2021
August/September 2021 Combined Report *
October 2021
November 2021
December 2021
January 2022
February 2022
March 2022

Budget Monitor to Q1 (JUN)
Budget Monitor to Q2 (SEP)
Budget Monitor to Q4 (MARCH)

Financial Year 2021-22

Annual Governance and Accountability Return Publication (as per Clause 78 legislation)

Notice of the date of commencement of the period for exercise of
public rights 2021-22: 13th June to 22nd July 2022

Summary of Rights - explanatory document

Annual Governance and Accountability Return - Part 1 Governance Statement

Annual Governance and Accountability Return - Part 2 Accounting Statements

Annual Governance and Accountability Return - Internal Auditor Assurance

Annual Governance and Accountability Return - Part 3 External Auditor Assurance 

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2021-22 

NPHPC End of Year Cashbook 2021/22

Final Bank Reconciliation 31st March 2022

2021/22 - Final Budget Position

Summary of Variances

Explanation of Variances Box 3

Explanation of Variances Box 4

Explanation of Variances Box 6

Explanation of Reserves

NPHPC Asset Register as at 31st March 2022

All payments over £100 made in the Financial Year 2021/22 

EDDC Precept Figures 2021/22

CIL Annual Statement 

Public Works Loan Board Statement  


Financial Year 2020-21 

2020/21 Financial Year Final Budget Position (PDF)

2020/21 EDDC Precept Figures (PDF)

NPHPC 2020/21 End of Year Cashbook (PDF)

Annual Governance and Accountability Return Part ONE -
Governance Statement AGAR3 
(Final version)

Annual Governance and Accountability Return Part TWO -
Accounting Statement AGAR3 
Final Version

Internal Auditor Assurance (AGAR3)

Public Works Loan Board Statement 31st March 2021

Annual Governance and Accountability Return Part THREE -
External Auditor Assurance AGAR3

Final Bank Reconciliation 31st March 2021 (PDF)

Summary of Variances document submitted (PDF)

Explanation of Variances documents submitted (PDF) Box 3

Explanation of Variances documents submitted (PDF) Box 6

 Explanation of Reserves as at 31st March 2021

Notice of Date of Commencement of the Period for Exercise
of Public Rights 2020/21 (PDF) 1st July 2021 to 11th August 2021

Summary of Rights - explanatory document (PDF)

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2020/21 (PDF)

CIL Annual Statement as at 31st March 2021 (PDF)

Council's Asset Register as at 31st March 2021

All payments over £100 during financial year 2020/21

Financial Year 2019-20

Council's Proposed Budget and Precept Calculation for 2019/20 HERE

You can find here a copy of the EDDC "tax-base" table for 2019/20 showing all towns
and villages across the entire district.

At the Council meeting on 26th November 2018, Council voted to approve a budget
forecast of £72,693 for the forthcoming year, and to increase the Council's precept demand
to £47,500, which means that all households in Newton Poppleford and Harpford Parish 
will see a small increase in their Council Tax demand from the Parish
Council when your 
next Council Tax Bill arrives of approximately 10p per week, or £5 per annum.

 Supplementary Financial Papers for April 2019

 Supplementary Financial Papers for May 2019

 Supplementary Financial Papers for June 2019

 Supplementary Financial Papers for July 2019 

 Supplementary Financial Papers for August 2019 

 Supplementary Financial Papers for September 2019

 Supplementary Financial Papers for October 2019 

 Supplementary Financial Papers for November 2019

 Supplementary Financial Papers for December 2019

 Supplementary Financial Papers for January 2020

 Supplementary Financial Papers for February 2020

 Supplementary Financial Papers for March 2020

 Budget Monitor upto Q2 (30.09.19)
 Budget Monitor upto Q3 (31.12.19)
 Budget Monitor to end of financial year (Q4 - 31/03/2020)

Financial Year 2019-20

Annual Governance and Accountability Return Publication (as per Clause 78 legislation)

2019/20 Financial Year Final Budget Position (PDF)

2019/20 EDDC Precept Figures (PDF)

NPHPC 2019/20 End of Year Cashbook (PDF)

2019/20 Simplified Accounts Summary (PDF)

Annual Governance and Accountability Return Part ONE -
Governance Statement AGAR3 (draft - not yet externally audited)

Annual Governance and Accountability Return Part TWO -
Accounting Statement AGAR3 (draft - not yet externally audited)

Internal Auditor Assurance (AGAR3)

Public Works Loan Board Statement 31st March 2020

Annual Governance and Accountability Return Part THREE -
External Auditor Assurance AGAR3

Final Bank Reconciliation 31st March 2020 (PDF)

Summary of Variances document submitted (PDF)

Explanation of Variances documents submitted (PDF)

Notice of Date of Commencement of the Period for Exercise
of Public Rights 2019/20 (PDF) 1st September to 12th October.

Summary of Rights - explanatory document (PDF)

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2019/20 (PDF)

CIL Annual Statement as at 31st March 2020 (PDF)

Council's Asset Register as at 31st March 2020

All payments over £100 during financial year 2019/20